ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Jimena Yengle

I am a Latin American artist, with a great passion for immersing myself in each discipline of Art and learning from it. As such, I’ve remained dedicated to developing myself through artistic creation from a very young age, always trying to enrich myself one day at a time, as an integral human being in an increasingly changing world.

...always trying to enrich myself one day at a time, as an integral human being in an increasingly changing world.

Part of growing up includes giving meaning to your voice and to your own creation in this life. The world throws us a diversity of tools that many times we do not perceive with the naked eye. The laughter of those who matter to us are transformed into the sweetest poems. That great existentialist question that you have pursued all your life may have a million answers. Those answers might be explored through theater.

The laughter of those who matter to us are transformed into the sweetest poems.

I have always believed that personal doubts lead to the path where exploration of being arises, eventually materializing into artistic creation. Reflecting on my own journey, I think back to my internal dialogues and how intense and notably constant they were. I remember going home and writing down all my doubts. Some simple, some innocent, and some much deeper, to which I was adding more emotion. Exploring these doubts through literature, body theater, and even through teaching, led me to have a greater understanding of my identity, and of the heart of the world.

...personal doubts lead to the path where exploration of being arises.