ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Steven Martinez

The “No Cruising Zone” ban was implemented in 1986 in San José to target Lowrider cruisers from streets along King & Story Roads, Tully Road to the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, and Santa Clara Street in Downtown San José. Unfortunately, the “No Cruising” ordinance gave authority to police officers in the area to harass lowriders for just simply driving through the same intersection more than once.

...the “No Cruising” ordinance gave authority to police officers in the area to harass lowriders...

Councilmember Raul Peralez, along with the United Lowrider Council of San José, celebrated the victory of removing the last “No Cruising Zone” sign in front of City Hall on August 31st 2022. Lowrider classics filled the City Hall Rotunda and all along Santa Clara Street. This was a victory for the Lowrider community, not only in San José, but for the rest of California. We, as lowriders, can now cruise peacefully without feeling targeted. Gente from cities as far away as Phoenix and San Diego attended to celebrate with us for this historic day.

This was a victory for the Lowrider community, not only in San José, but for the rest of California.

The United Lowrider Council’s goal is to continue assisting other cities throughout California to end the “No Cruising” ban. The goal is to also continue to work with the city of San José to ensure cruising is safe and to preserve this very important piece of history that started out of East Side San José. Let’s keep this cultura alive, let’s be safe in our city streets and let’s keep it low & slow raza.

... to continue assisting other cities throughout California to end the “No Cruising” ban.