ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Dulce Aguilera

Raíces are created by generations of love and the sacrifices formed by our mothers. Their roots continue to grow from one dream to the reality of another and it does not need to be from the same ground. Growing up in East San José, my two pillars of strength were my mother and tía, two strong women. Their dreams and struggles from Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Mexico to San José, California were just the beginning. Their efforts, a result of a mother and grandmother’s love and prayers continuing to bloom into the next generation’s journey, just as the petals of a rose hug one another.

Growing up in East San José, my two pillars of strength were my mother and tía, two strong women.

My mother, Rosa, instilled in us the values of hard work, dedication, and the belief that when faced with the unknown: “agarra el toro de los cuernos”(get the bull by its horns) and have no fear when faced with a crisis. She can rise to any situation, put on a brave face, and always keep the faith. Oh, and among those lessons, don’t forget to have at least a good lipstick when in public because you never know who you will run into.

... and the belief that when faced with the unknown: “agarra el toro de los cuernos”(get the bull by its horns)...

Mi Tía Mimi was the one who taught us love through her food. Not only did she feed her family of seven, but if the neighbors or anyone else was hungry, there was always a plate ready at any hour of the day. Her faith in God and La Virgen de Guadalupe comforted our fears, reminding us that we are never alone during our darkest days. She battled cancer without showing her fears and remained steady in her devotion to La Virgen. When she passed away in 1996, all our lives changed.

Her faith in God and La Virgen de Guadalupe comforted our fears, reminding us that we are never alone during our darkest days.