By Estella Inda
Since our lowrider exhibit in 2019, The San José Public Library’s California Room has been gathering materials in preparation for an exhibit chronicling the social, economic, and political development of the east side. These materials will become part of the permanent archival collections at the library. As we prepare for the exhibit and build our collections, we’re putting the spotlight on individuals, businesses, and community organizations of historical relevance to the east side.
“...we’re putting the spotlight on individuals, businesses, and community organizations of historical relevance to the east side.”
According to, a tradition is “the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc. from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice”. When thinking about this definition in relation to the east side, the first thing I think of is lowriding.
“When thinking about this definition in relation to the east side, the first thing I think of is lowriding.”
Historically lowriding can be traced back to the 1930-1940s. However, its origins can be traced back further, to the time of the vaquero- the Mexican cowboy. According to author, educator, and historian Arturo Villarreal in his West Magazine article, Cultural Clash, the “socio-cultural aspects and symbolism behind lowriding can be traced to the horse, horsemanship, the transition from horse to car and the Mexican ritual known as ‘El Paseo.
“However, its origins can be traced back further, to the time of the vaquero- the Mexican cowboy.”