WHOSE LAND. A statement on land acknowledgments
By Red Earth’s Women Society
The Red Earth Women’s Society, is a grassroots alliance of indigenous women dedicated to holding Sacred Space for women and fems of all Ages & Nations - a space where she can feel safe, be supported, and empowered by the care & concern of the circle. We are dedicated not only to raising awareness but also promoting change regarding the injustices affecting our Native families and the communities we live in.
We stand for what is right and Sacred.
In Her Name,
The Red Earth Women’s Society
“We are dedicated not only to raising awareness but also promoting change regarding the injustices affecting our Native families and the communities we live in. ”
Land acknowledgements have become a standing item at many community events. You can probably catch one at the next march, virtual meeting or conference or even a political event you attend. But who are these land acknowledgements for and who benefits from this cultural norm shift?
“Land acknowledgements have become a standing item at many community events. ”
Typically, during a land acknowledgement, either the host or invited guest make space in the program to acknowledge that the event is taking place on indigenous land. Sometimes it is a general statement recognizing that there were native people on this land before 1492 and other times there is a little more recognition of America’s role in the genocide of indigenous people and that we are still here.
“..a general statement recognizing that there were native people on this land before 1492 ..”