ConeXión Kooltura - Blog

Community Organizing As Healing


Community Organizing As Healing

By  Victor Duarte-Vasquez and Paola Mondragon

El bienestar individual is connected to el bienestar colectivo and vice versa. For many of us, community organizing is the healing process we need to extract the fear, oppression, isolation and hopelessness experienced collectively and individually, as we transform those energies into action toward freedom, justice, unity, and dignity.

....the Collective envisions a rooted and thriving community where resilient families have confidence in their gifts, choices and dreams.

The Si Se Puede Collective is committed to walking alongside the Mayfair community and working in solidarity to reach community sovereignty, to challenge existing systems and to shift power back to the hands of community residents. By coordinating and aligning the work of five partnering organizations, Somos Mayfair, Grail Family Services, Amigos de Guadalupe, Veggielution, and the School of Arts and Culture, the Collective envisions a rooted and thriving community where resilient families have confidence in their gifts, choices and dreams.

[ full read on current ISSUE 2021.Ce ]