ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Sharon McCray

Many gardens grow in East San José, especially at Emma Prusch Farm Park at the corner of King and Story Roads. A one of a kind welcoming and inviting place to bring family and friends, open daily from 8:30 a.m. until sunset, and as Emma’s requested “open to all” access since there are no parking or admission fees. Come for a visit and enjoy a day of rest and relaxation, walk the orchards, enjoy the expansive lawn, and savor nature right in our own backyard.

Many gardens grow in East San José, especially at Emma Prusch Farm Park at the corner of King and Story Roads.

Gardens like no other in Santa Clara County all because in 1962, a generous and forward thinking woman had the forethought to give her family dairy farm to “the people of the City of San José” and for the park to forever remain a place of a “rural country character and atmosphere.

Gardens like no other in Santa Clara County all because in 1962...

The original 86 acre farm was divided by Highways 280 and 680, giving way to the north for the Police Activities League baseball and soccer fields. As one of six Regional Parks in the City, Emma Prusch Memorial Park is unique as it offers a wide variety of experiences for visitors of all ages.

...Emma Prusch Memorial Park is unique as it offers a wide variety of experiences for visitors of all ages.