ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Jezreal Gandara

After the pandemic, I started gaining bad habits, like staying in my dark room editing away—one of the many behaviors that came along with staying home 24/7.

Then came Elias, our son. This transition was also tough. We were becoming parents and if you don’t know what that feels like, it is tiring. This is a tiring moment in our lives, but this is outweighed by the life this kid brings. He not only challenges my capacity but literally gives me a breath of fresh air. He recently turned one and is big enough to ride his small bike. He is now constantly asking to go out. I guess you could say he takes me out on walks.

He not only challenges my capacity but literally gives me a breath of fresh air.

Though I have walked around this neighborhood the past three years of living here, this time seems different. It is as if the fresh lens with which my son sees the world is also the same one I look through now. The good, the bad and the ugly are all new experiences for my son, and apparently, me too. These walks with him have brought me to different realizations, even getting me lost in my own neighborhood. These walks have brought me to new places physically, mentally and spiritually.

These are those places . . .

These walks have brought me to new places physically, mentally and spiritually.