By Joel Gutierrez
We have all heard through every media outlet how bad the coronavirus has affected our communities. The pandemic has had unprecedented impacts across all socio-economic households. For well over a year now, families have been dramatically impacted by economic disruptions by way of government attempts to slow the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. Most of us can agree that the magnitude of the problems caused by the pandemic, such as household savings, the ability to pay bills, job retention and medical care, has disproportionately impacted families of color at higher rates.
“....the ability to pay bills, job retention and medical care, has disproportionately impacted families of color at higher rates.”
For many of us, the inequitable losses have contributed to a sense of urgency to take action towards mitigating that devastating disproportionate impact. My call to action presented itself after many of my friends and family refused the COVID-19 vaccination. I began to worry about how slow our return to pre-pandemic normalcy would become. I felt that by receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccines, it would promote and encourage others to also participate. When I was presented with the opportunity to join the Guerreros and Guerreras, I was elated knowing I could share my experience and actively dismiss many of the myths revolving around the COVID-19 vaccines. I believe that our active participation in solidarity circles provides ongoing opportunities for growing relationships, combating challenges, celebrating victories, and holding our community members accountable in supportive ways.
“I felt that by receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccines, it would promote and encourage others to also participate.”
In my current role as a Guerrero with SOMOS Mayfair and the Si Se Puede Collective alongside the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, we work as a comprehensive team to confront these challenges. As a collective, our work to assist our community’s greatest needs demonstrates our solidarity. We have chosen to stand in camaraderie by incorporating our strengths to tackle these ongoing challenges. Our solidarity can be seen across our communities through many activities such as tabling at shopping centers, canvassing in neighborhoods, door knocking and assisting with making vaccination appointments so that we may provide resources to those people who find themselves in most need or without access. These seemingly simple actions have an impact across our community and remind us of the power of taking collective step towards change.
“These seemingly simple actions have an impact across our community and remind us of the power of taking collective step towards change.”