ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Anna Sanchez

She carried life within her womb, 

Tejió su fortaleza en mi sangre, 

Her dreams taught me to fly, 

While her stories kept me grounded. 

Her hands, though rough and worn, 

Weaved stories into the fabric of my soul. Each line, each scar— 

A record of lives, moments, and strength. A lifetime in each stitch. 

With every thread, she sewed the legacy of love, Of sacrifice, 

And of all hearts she touched. 

I feel the gentle touch still. 

Her scent—perfume de gardenias—remains, As if she never left. 

She keeps them warm on rainy days 

As she kept me warm 

Many moons ago. 

I tell them stories of how I remember her bordando, What I once wore, 

Now passed on to them. 

To some, it’s just fabric. 

For me, each strand is a blessing, 

A memory. 

Un abrazo. 

Cada tejido es parte de las raíces 

Que habitan en mi ser, 

Mi pasado y mi future, 

Interwoven within me, 

Within my daughters. 

Her, a never-ending gift— 

Mi abuela.