By Andrew Hernandez
Hello Hello! We are The Hello Hello’s, from San José, California. Our Band was formed in 2021, just right after the pandemic, out of a desire to simply write relatable songs that could impact people. The Eastside is a big melting pot of music and culture that is present in the city itself. We feel the Eastside, being a diverse community, has helped us cultivate our own musical style.
During the pandemic, when everyone was locked up inside and life was put on hold, it made us reexamine where our lives were headed and how those paths made us feel stuck. In that re-examination, we looked back to the dreams we had as children and how it would be a disservice to them not to take a chance on something we feel so passionate about. When the idea for our name came to us, it felt dumb enough to work: The Hello Hello’s - it doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it sorta reflects who we are as individuals.
“...we looked back to the dreams we had as children and how it would be a disservice to them not to take a chance on something we feel so passionate about.”
Our blood orange logo was actually made by George’s younger sister Jack. She made it during a time where she was really struggling. Seeing her struggle and still trying to persevere was inspirational. In a way, it’s how we see the logo as well. The blood orange is missing a part of itself and losing “blood,” but it’s still there, still standing, and still going. We feel like everyone can relate to that feeling of no longer being what they once were, losing their blood through wounds, and here we still are trying to make our lives mean something.
To anyone pursuing music, taking that leap is overwhelming. It definitely was for us. What we found is that no matter what other avenues the world told us we had to walk down, we’d continually wind up desiring to write and perform our own music. Nothing is promised, but if you open yourself up and allow yourself to fail and learn, the road is not as scary as you might think.
“We feel like everyone can relate to that feeling of no longer being what they once were, losing their blood through wounds, and here we still are trying to make our lives mean something.”