ConeXión Kooltura - Blog




By Alan “Gumby” Marques

When I opened Heroes Martial Arts in 2009 in downtown San José, I thought more about my mission of teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and less about the location and impact on the immediate community. The biggest lessons that I have learned over the years are that we are a people-business first and foremost and that the community we build upon is both our greatest resource and our biggest asset.

.. I thought more about my mission of teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu..

There are a lot of ways to describe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, such as “physical chess” or the art of folding laundry with someone still in it, but as a daily activity it is unique in that it requires equal parts of cooperation and competition at various times. The benefits physically and mentally are numerous, the friendships you build are lifelong.

The benefits physically and mentally are numerous, the friendships you build are lifelong.

When it came time to open our second studio, we considered a variety of options, but given how much of our top talent was actually born, raised and still resides on the Eastside, it seemed like a great idea to build our new academy there.

..given how much of our top talent was actually born, raised and still resides on the Eastside, it seemed like a great idea to build our new academy there.